Moneta: Remembering Words

What is Moneta?

It is an example project build to showcase proficiency with Flask, several other associated modules/libraries as well as web development essentials like html and css. The name was inspired by mythology, and comes from the Roman goddess of memory.

I have no aspirations to turn this into a full-size client-facing application as of now but I may always change my mind later. It has been very rewarding and enjoyable working on this and I mean to improve upon this in the future.

What does Moneta offer?

Moneta enables users to read borrowed e-books online free of cost. We aim to have a wide selection of books, genres and authors so as to provide a little something to everyone. Carefully curated by the volunteer librarians; magic, romance, thrills and mystery await the reader!

Users are limited to 5 borrowed books at the moment. Note that delay between return time and time for borrowing another book may vary, as this is managed semi-manually. If a week is not sufficient time for the user, they can always request the book again.


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